In the face of an overwhelming threat, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have assembled a powerful new set of tools! T’Challa is transforming from King of Wakanda level up with the Mech Strike armors, with each mech designed for a specific hero. Mounted with new jet-powered talons and Mech shield, the incredible mech suit is powered by Wakanda’s most valuable and rarest resource, vibranium.
Designed to capture the reimagined appearance of Black Panther Mech Strike armor, the diecast figure measures 35cm tall features a newly crafted helmet head with LED-light up function; detailed recreation of a tech advanced suit in matte black, silver and purple highlighted with purple luminous reflective effect patterns; LED light-up function design on eyes, chest, and palms; comes with weapons including spear, shield, sword, multiple pairs of interchangeable hands, and a figure stand. The Mech Strike armor figure also enables “Panther Mode” display by adopting parts such as LED lighted panther head, paws, and an articulated tail.